e watchful and diligent in the service of God.† Be fervent to go forward,for shortly you will receive the reward of your labors; there will not then be any fear or sorrow in your world. Labor now but a little and you will find great rest, yes, perpetual joy.† If you continue faithful and fervent in doing good, no doubt God will be faithful and liberal in rewarding you.† You ought to have a good hope† that you will come to the palm of victory, but you must not be secure lest you wax either slothful or proud.
When one who was in anxiety of mind, often wavering between fear and hope, did once, being overcome with grief, prostrate himself before the altar, and prayed, “Oh, if I knew that I should yet persevere!” he presently heard within himself a divine answer, “If you did know this, what would you do? Do now what you would do then, and you will be perfectly secure.”
And so comforted and strengthened, he committed himself wholly to the divine will, and that anxious tossing ceased. And he willed not to search curiously, to know what things should befall him, but rather labored to seek out what was the acceptable and perfect will of God† for the beginning and accomplishing of every good work. “Trust in the Lord